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New Mexico

Every day, millions of people in New Mexico rely on the energy grid to power our lives. Thanks to a network of transmission lines that carry energy from where it’s generated to where it’s used, we’re able to heat and cool our homes, keep the lights on in our businesses, and even charge our vehicles. We rarely think twice about it — until the power goes out. The problem is  most of America’s transmission lines were built in the 1950s and 1960s, and were only intended to have a 50-year lifespan. We’re way overdue for an upgrade.

Improving New Mexico’s existing transmission infrastructure, building new lines, and pursuing a regional approach to transmission planning and coordination will ensure all New Mexicans enjoy reliable energy, while also bringing thousands of new living-wage jobs to the state, lowering energy costs, and accelerating the clean energy transition.

Transmission Means Jobs.

Thousands Of Living-Wage, Clean Energy Jobs

From 2017 to 2023, New Mexico climbed from 48th in the nation for clean energy production to 7th — but in order to tap into the full potential of our rich renewable resources, we’ll still need to build between 900 and 1,300 miles of new transmission lines. This will be a major boost for our economy: Building more transmission and clean energy could create more than 24,360 good-paying jobs in New Mexico and generate an additional $1 billion per year in economic growth.

Transmission Means Affordability.

Electricity Savings For Homes And Businesses

Expanding transmission infrastructure in New Mexico will allow the state to tap into low-cost wind and solar resources and even become a net exporter of clean energy, which could bring significant savings to New Mexico homes and businesses. 

It’s estimated that building more regional transmission lines could save households in New Mexico $114 million a year in energy costs

Transmission Means Reliability.

Keeping The Power On When Extreme Temperatures Strike

As New Mexico continues to experience summer heat that breaks records year after year, a reliable energy grid will be a critical lifeline to help millions stay cool. Today, we have access to modern transmission technologies that are far more efficient than what we had in the 1960s. With a robust, 21st-century transmission system, grid operators can better coordinate resources and send power where it’s needed most to avoid the risk of blackouts.

Transmission Means Cleaner Energy.

Transmission Is The Missing Link To Our 100% Clean Energy Goals

With 278 days of sunshine per year on average and areas where wind speeds reach 50 miles per hour, New Mexico has the most renewable energy potential of any state in the nation. But in order to realize New Mexico’s potential as a national clean energy leader and achieve 100% clean energy by 2045, the state needs to develop more transmission lines. By siting our transmission projects with stewardship in mind to minimize the impacts of new projects on tribal communities, landowners, cultural resources, and wildlife, we can transport our abundant clean energy from the places where it’s generated to the places where we live, work, and play. Transmission is the key to a clean energy future.

Policy Updates

  • On March 5, the New Mexico House passed HB93, requiring utilities to incorporate advanced grid technology planning into their resource plans. Sponsored by Rep. Kristina Ortez and Sen. Michael Padilla, the bill focuses on reducing congestion, improving reliability, and integrating renewables. It will be reviewed by the Senate Conservation Committee on March 11.

  • On March 8, the New Mexico House passed HB13, which mandates utilities submit comprehensive distribution system plans every three years. Sponsored by Reps. Dayan Hochman-Vigil and Kristina Ortez, the bill aims to modernize the grid and improve electrification efforts. It is now with the Senate Conservation Committee.

Additional Resources

A more reliable grid. New jobs. Cleaner power. Transmission makes it possible.