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New Jersey

Every day, millions of people in New Jersey rely on the energy grid to power their lives. Thanks to a network of transmission lines that carry energy from where it’s generated to where it’s used, we’re able to heat and cool our homes, keep the lights on at our businesses, get online for work and school, and even charge our vehicles — and we rarely think twice about it. Until the power goes out. Many of America’s transmission lines were built in the 1950s and 1960s and were only intended to have a 50-year lifespan. We’re way overdue for an upgrade.

Strengthening New Jersey’s existing transmission infrastructure and coordinating grid resources with its neighboring states will ensure we can all enjoy reliable energy while also bringing thousands of new living-wage jobs to the state, lowering energy costs, and accelerating the clean energy transition.

Transmission Means Lower Costs.

Electricity Savings for Homes and Businesses

About 73% of New Jersey households rely on natural gas to power their homes. This means that most of the state is subject to unpredictable circumstances that impact gas and oil costs. Energy rates are expected to increase by 25% in 2023-2024 based on the cost of gas — but it doesn’t have to be this way. With an updated transmission grid, we can transition to less expensive clean energy and get American-made electricity to homes across New Jersey for a fraction of the cost.

Transmission Means the Power Stays On.

Staying Safe When Temperatures Get Extreme

Recently, New Jersey has seen some of the most extreme weather in its history. From triple digit summers to unusually prolonged cold winters, the persistent extremes have put a higher demand on our existing grid infrastructure, resulting in planned blackouts and dangerous outages. That’s because when temperatures get extreme, everyone reaches for the thermostat at once – our outdated transmission grid just can’t keep up. To keep pace with extreme temperatures and energy demands, we need an upgrade to this infrastructure. 

Transmission Means Jobs.

Thousands of Living-Wage, Clean Energy Jobs

New Jersey is growing its economy with investments in clean energy projects, creating thousands of new jobs. Across the U.S., there is enough clean energy in the development pipeline to supply 80% of our national demand. But in order to use that clean energy, we’ll need to upgrade our transmission infrastructure. 

By some estimates, the U.S. needs to build as many as 91,000 miles of new transmission lines in the next 13 years — which means even more high-paying jobs across the country. Investments in transmission could create as many as 15,000 good-paying jobs in New Jersey over the next 30 years.  With a more robust grid, we can deliver clean American-made energy to New Jersey families.

Transmission Means a Cleaner Economy.

Transmission is the Missing Link to Our Clean Energy Goals

New Jersey has the potential to create its own clean energy economy with solar, wind and other clean energy sources, but the state still heavily relies on burning natural gas for energy — in part because our existing transmission system can’t effectively distribute clean energy at the rate it’s produced.

This transition to clean energy is an integral part of protecting our coastline and mitigating pollution & climate change. We can fully transition to clean energy and create more solar and offshore wind farms if we upgrade our transmission infrastructure.

A more reliable grid. New jobs. Cleaner power. Transmission makes it possible.